General Information

The Astra-to-Office365 integration, or A2O, synchronizes Ad Astra meeting times with Office365 calendar resources. Currently, this works only one way, with meetings downloading from Ad Astra and into Office365, though that may change in the future. From there, an Astra managed room's current schedule will appear in an end user's Office365 calendar for that room or on a room's scheduling display if that display connects to Office365 (Evoko or Meetio, for example).

Update frequency

Synchronization from Ad Astra into O365 currently happens every 30 minutes, 24/7/365, on the hour and half-past. From the end user's perspective, it may take as little as a few minutes to perhaps a little over an hour for the event to show up, depending on timing and transient conditions. If it takes more than two hours, this likely indicates a problem of some kind and you should contact and mention the A2O or Astra-to-Office365 application as well as the room number, building code, and event information.

Data management policies

Our data management policies may be configured on a per-Exchange resource basis, but here are the defaults:

  • The "sync window" defaults to +0 days to +30 days.
  • Events outside of the sync window are removed from the Exchange resource unless A2O has that resource configured to retain history.

For more detailed information about when deletions and archiving occur, please visit the page on Advanced data management information.

Pharmacy-specific room configuration

For room resources beginning with RES-CPB-:

  • The sync window is +0 to +365 days.
  • They are configured to retain history in O365 for past events.


To add more rooms or alter their configuration, please send an email to and CC Mention the A2O Astra-to-Off365 application and list the room numbers, building codes, and their desired configurations (including the sync window and whether to keep event history in O365).